
How to Get Windows 8 Metro-like Theme in Ubuntu 13.04

تثبيت ثيم ويندوز 8 علي ابونتو13.4

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
ضمن موضيع جماليات ابونتو 13.4 ان شاء الله اليوم نقوم بتركيب ثيم ويندوز 8
الشهير لتوزيعه  ابونتو 13.4 الجديدة 
طبعا الكل يعرف كيف يضيف السمات  لذلك سوف اضع العناوين فقط 
اولا قوم بتحميل 
ملف theme وملف واجهة الميترو 
ثم بعد ذلك نقوم بفك الضغط عنهم ونضعهم في هذا الامتداد 
 usr > share > themes

بعد ذلك لابد من تثبيت برنامج tweak-tool عن طريق ادخال الامر الاتي في الطرفيه 

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

ثم قم بفتح البرنامج وقم باختيار الثيم الذي قمت بتحميله 

etting the Windows 8 Metro look in Ubuntu 13.04 is really not all that difficult, and the end result will be a cleaner interface.

First of all, you will need to download the Windows 8 modern UI (metro)Metacity Theme from Softpedia. This is just for Metacity, which means that only the border and the title bar will be modified.

To get the most of this theme, you will also have to install another GTK 3.x Theme called FlatStudio

In order to install the two themes, you just have to open a terminal and run the following command, in order to start a Nautilus instance with admin rights:

sudo nautilus

Copy the two themes, after extracting them from the archives, and navigate to the root of your Ubuntu 13.04 installation (not Home). Open the following folders: usr > share > themes. Paste the two themes in there and close Nautilus.

In order to activate the themes and the Windows 8 border, you must also install a small tool called GNOME tweak tool. Open a terminal and enter this command:

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

Start the Tweak Tool app and select the FlatStudio theme where it says Gtk+ theme, and Windows 8 at Current theme.

The modifications are applied on the fly. Enjoy Ubuntu 13.04 with a Windows 8 Metro look and feel.

بالله عليكم ادعولي انجح في الاختبارات 

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